Once there was
A teeny-tiny woman from a teeny-tiny house
Through a teeny tiny village walked as quiet as a mouse.
With her teeny-tiny hat upon her teeny-tiny head
Through a teeny-tiny gate she found a graveyard for the dead.
She took teeny-tiny paces to a teeny-tiny stone
Where her teeny-tiny eyeballs spied a teeny-tiny bone.
In her teeny-tiny pocket with her teeny-tiny hand
Put the teeny-tiny bone in for a soup that she had planned.
Then the teeny-tiny woman to her teeny-tiny place
With her teeny-tiny footsteps to her home did set a pace.
She was teeny-tiny tired from her teeny-tiny jog
Yes, the teeny-tiny woman planned to sleep just like a log.
In her teeny-tiny house there was a teeny tiny stair
And her teeny-tiny legs climbed up and barely got her there.
She was teeny-tiny breathing hard and teeny-tiny red
So the teeny-tiny woman found her teeny-tiny bed.
In her teeny-tiny cupboard put the teeny-tiny bone
Then was teeny-tiny sleeping for she thought she was alone.
Then a teeny-tiny voice called out a teeny-tiny moan
Asking teeny-tiny woman please to “Give me back my bone.”
Well the teeny-tiny woman in her teeny-tiny bed
Pulled her teeny-tiny covers up real tight around her head.
But the teeny-tiny voice aloud in teeny-tiny tone
Begged the teeny-tiny woman please to “Give me back my bone.”
Then a teeny-tiny shiver shook her teeny-tiny frame
And her teeny-tiny blanket on her head it surely came.
Then the teeny-tiny voice did phrase a teeny-tiny groan
To the teeny-tiny woman please to “Give me back my bone.”
And the teeny-tiny woman felt some teeny-tiny fear
And she teeny-tiny worried 'bout the bone that was so near.
Then her teeny-tiny mind began to teeny-tiny crack
And her teeny-tiny voice gave way and shouted “TAKE IT BACK!!”